Ladies First: Nia & Imani

At Bumble, it's no secret: We're all about women making the first move.

To us, there's nothing more powerful, inspiring, or rewarding than hearing about the positive impact Bumble has had in women's lives. From seeing a different side of your city to landing your dream job, we want to know how making the first move has changed your life!

Need some inspiration of your own? Below, our friends Nia and Imani talk making the first move and how Bumble helped them settle into their new city.

Nia: “From the concrete who knew that a flower could grow.”

Imani: Drake or Socrates?

Nia: Honestly. Truly. They’re one in the same, haha.

Nia: But really, that flower could represent me; I totally shunned online dating until…

Imani: Until you saw me going on back-to-back dates! That was my proudest week of romance.

Nia: You literally had 4 dates in 5 days. For a minute, I thought I had lost my friend to those hot Bumble matches…

Imani: I’m still here! I felt so liberated that week. I needed those dates after my ex and I broke up. I wanted to quit online dating since that was how we met and he turned out to be awful. Meeting such genuinely sweet men reaffirmed there are many down-to-earth guys who exist! It’s all about the approach.

Nia: How do you think Bumble has changed your approach to dating?

Imani: I put myself first now, 100%. Rather than focusing on one guy, I take advantage of the fact that I can meet a new guy in a thumb swipe. If someone has fundamental differences that don’t bode well for me, I'm more willing to letting that guy go. We're young and it would be awesome to meet a guy and accept him for his flaws. However, I'm more willing to get to know someone thoroughly before jumping into a relationship. I didn't do that last time and it ended sooo terribly.

Nia: Exactly! It’s all about what you want and your interests. I wouldn’t describe myself as “shy,” but I’m certainly reserved - I'm a proud, card-carrying introvert! With Bumble’s design, it really empowers young women like us to confidently be bold and vulnerable. It's being aware of who you are while also growing and evolving!

Imani: I’m a natural extrovert who has learned to be more self-reflective and pensive. Thinking of cool, witty, or thought-inducing lines takes more effort than I thought it would. They could be met with any reaction and I have no control over that. I definitely empathize with men more.

Nia: I would never get to come up with these weird lines had you not created a Facebook and Bumble account for me. I’m a pun and pick-up line queen. Do you remember when one of my first matches called me “wack” for using your pickup line?

Imani: “It’s your last day on Earth: Would you rather do a food tour of Tokyo or dive the Great Barrier Reef?” is the best line, hands down. I don’t care what he thinks, haha.

Nia: I personally think that was a cute line, but what do I know.

Imani: Now you juggle about four men a week: Cuban-themed event nights, art exhibits, DJ events...

Nia: Oh my gosh! This past week, I had a date at a Mexican restaurant on Wednesday, a date at the Pelicans game on Saturday, and a date at the Saints game on Sunday. With three completely different, equally amazing men :-).

Imani: Yes, girl, yes! We're always in our own scientific world at the medical school. All we do in New Orleans is based on tours or Yelp. It’s fun to meet native men, or men who have lived here for a long time, who can show us yummy eats and scenery only the locals know about. I want to meet guys who aren’t in medicine - DJs, artists, inner-city teachers, engineers, etc.

Nia: That’s honestly one of of my favorite parts of Bumbling in NOLA! My one-month relationship with that NOLA DJ all started with Bumble. Since he had lived here for nearly 10 years, he helped me experience the true essence of the Crescent City.

Imani: Oh Chocolate Pharaoh. He was so handsome. I liked that one.

Nia: Chocolate Pharaoh! I almost forgot about that nickname.

Imani: It was suitable - he was milk chocolate and had the demeanor of a king, haha. It’s funny because I thought I would be dating African American men via going to certain locations in the city or downloading apps specific to that demographic. I love that Bumble takes away those boundaries and has allowed me to meet gorgeous - and successful - men of all backgrounds

Nia: Like White Greg.

Imani: Haha, White Greg was the sweetest. We ate alligator together!

Nia: I’ve never had alligator, but I’m loving the New Orleans oyster scene. On our first date, DJ Chocolate Pharaoh took me to the coolest backyard event held in the back of a bed and breakfast in Treme, the oldest black neighborhood in the country! It was a Cuba themed cigar and mojito night filled with the best R&B tunes. We sat under the most picture perfect tree and talked for hours! We walked to Marigny and had drinks on a balcony and stared at the stars. Chocolate Pharaoh was dreamy.

Imani: Every time I hear about him, I get all the feels."



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